
Welcome to SurferLab!

The birth of SurferLab

Plane and engineers SurferLab is a joint research lab formed by Bombardier Transport, Prosyst and the Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France (UPHF) and is the continuation of a Government funded project (French 'FUI' interministerial fund) entitled SURFER (active rail monitoring). The SURFER project, undertaken between 2009 and 2013, boosted the competitiveness of the industrial partners through a series of scientific concepts developed at the UPHF, and susequently transferred to, appropriated and deployed by industrialists.

The success of this maiden collaboration sparked the interest of Bombardier Transport and Prosyst who both wished to continue the transfer of scientific concepts from the UPHF but also to participate in the development of new concepts by nurturing research on innovative industrial problems.

Bombardier Transport and Prosyst then offered to perpetuate their collaboration with the UPHF through a joint laboratory, and in october 2016, SurferLab was born.

Watch this video to discover its history

SurferLab, a joint research lab, was founded by Bombardier Transport, Prosyst and the Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France (UPHF) in October 2016. SurferLab is the continuation of a Government funded project ('FUI' intermnisterial funds), entitled SURFER (active rail monitoring) undertaken between 2009 and 2013 and approved in particular by the competitiveness cluster I-trans.

SurferLab, deeply rooted in its region

With a consolidated budget of €2 million, the joint laboratory SurferLab is supported by the Hauts-de-France region, which decided to co-fund the project under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF; deliberation No. 20160866).

SurferLab is approved by the competitiveness cluster I-trans and supported scientifically by the CNRS. It is currently located within the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 uniting researchers from the UPHF involved in SurferLab.

Professor Damien Trentesaux is currently the director and Abdallah Asse (Prosyst), Frédéric Grzesiak (Prosyst) and Antoine Mouchart (Bombardier Transport) are the co-directors of SurferLab.