

In this section, a number of significant publications have been grouped together, either within the framework of SurferLab or within in the framework of past collaborations that led to the creation of SurferLab. This list also contains publications relating to certain aspects of SurferLab's scientific ambitions.

Scientific publications in journals

  • MBULI J., CHARGUI T., TRENTESAUX D., BEKRAR A., DAILLY T. (2020). A multi-agent system for the reactive fleet maintenance support planning of a fleet of mobile cyber-physical systems. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, 5(4), pp. 376-387. [DOI]

  • ABDERRAHIM M., BEKRAR A., TRENTESAUX D., AISSANI N., BOUAMRANE K. (2020). Manufacturing 4.0 Operations Scheduling with AGV Battery Management Constraints. Energies, 13(18), 4948. [DOI]

  • SENECHAL O., TRENTESAUX D. (2019). A framework to help decision makers to be environmentally aware during the maintenance of cyber physical systems. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 77, pp. 11-22. [DOI]

  • ADOUM A-F., TRENTESAUX D., BRANGER G. (2019). Event management architecture for the monitoring and diagnosis of a fleet of trains: a case study. Journal of Modern Transportation, 27(3), pp. 169-187. [DOI]

  • BASSELOT V., BERGER T., SALLEZ Y. (2019). Information chain modeling from product to shakeholder in the use phase - Application to diagnoses in railway transportation, Manufacturing Letters, 20, pp. 22-26 [DOI]
  • ANDREACCHIO M., BEKRAR A., BENMANSOUR R., TRENTESAUX D. (2019). Assessing Cyber-Physical Systems to Balance Maintenance Replacement Policies and Optimize Long-Run Average Costs for Aircraft Assets. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications [DOI]

  • CARDIN O., OUNNAR F., THOMAS A., TRENTESAUX D. (2017). Future Industrial Systems: Best Practices of the Intelligent Manufacturing & Services Systems (IMS²) French Research Group. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13(2), pp. 704-713 [DOI]

  • CAUFFRIEZ L., GRONDEL S., LOSLEVER P., AUBRUN C. (2016). Bond Graph modeling for fault detection and isolation of a train door mechatronic system, Control Engineering Practice 49, pp. 212-224 [DOI]

  • CAUFFRIEZ L., LOSLEVER P., CAOUDER N., TURGIS F., COPIN R. (2013). Robustness study and reliability growth based on exploratory design of experiments and statistical analysis: a case study using a train door test bench, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 66 (1-4), pp. 27-44 [DOI]

  • LE MORTELLEC A., CLARHAUT J., SALLEZ Y., BERGER T., TRENTESAUX D. (2013). Embedded Holonic Fault Diagnosis of Complex Transportation Systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(1), pp. 227–240. [DOI]

  • SALLEZ Y., BERGER T., DENEUX D., TRENTESAUX D. (2010). The Life Cycle of Active and Intelligent Products: The Augmentation concept. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 23(10), pp. 905-924. [DOI]

Chapters in books

  • TRENTESAUX D., RAULT R. (2020). Ethique des robots intelligents dans la société humaine : Regards croisés issus du droit, de la science et de la littérature. In Berrod F., Clermont P., Trentesaux D. (ed.) (Ed.), Droit et robots: Droit science-fictionnel et fictions du droit, PUV, pp. 89-128, ISBN 978-2-36424-070-4.

  • GELY C., TRENTESAUX D., LE MORTELLEC A. (2019). Maintenance of the autonomous train: a human-machine cooperation framework. In B. Müller, G. Meyer (Ed.), Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe 2, Lecture Notes in Mobility, Springer, pp. 135-148. [DOI]

  • MBULI J., TRENTESAUX D., DAILLY T. (2019). Specifying a condition-based maintenance decision support system of a fleet of cyber-physical systems. In Borangiu, Trentesaux, Thomas, Cavalieri (Ed.), Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, 803, Studies in computational intelligence, Springer, pp. 285-294. [DOI]

  • RAULT R., TRENTESAUX D. (2018). Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Robotics: Legal Innovations. In Borangiu, Trentesaux, Thomas, Cardin (Ed.), Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, 762, Studies in computational intelligence, Springer, pp. 1-9. [DOI]

  • TRENTESAUX D., BRANGER G. (2018). Data Management Architectures for the Improvement of the Availability and Maintainability of a Fleet of Complex Transportation Systems: A State-of-the-Art Review. In Borangiu, Trentesaux, Thomas, Cardin (Ed.) , Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, 762, Studies in computational intelligence, Springer, pp. 93-110. [DOI]

  • TRENTESAUX D., BRANGER G. (2018). Foundation of the Surfer Data Management Architecture and Its Application to Train Transportation. In Borangiu, Trentesaux, Thomas, Cardin (Ed.), Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, 762, Studies in computational intelligence, Springer, pp. 111-125. [DOI]

  • ADOUM A-F., CLARHAUT J., BRANGER G., TRENTESAUX D. (2017). Smart condition based maintenance (S-CBM) for a fleet of mobile entities. In Borangiu, Trentesaux, Thomas, Leitão, Oliveira (Ed.), Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, Studies in computational intelligence, 694, Springer, pp. 115-123. [DOI]

  • TRENTESAUX D., KNOTHE T., BRANGER G., FISCHER K. (2015). Planning and Control of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Operations of a Fleet of Complex Transportation Systems: A Cyber-Physical System Approach. In Borangiu, Thomas, Trentesaux (Ed.), Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing, 594, Studies in computational intelligence, Springer, pp. 175-186. [DOI]

International scientific workshops and conferences

  • TRENTESAUX D., CAILLAUD E. (2020). Ethical stakes of Industry 4.0. 21st IFAC World Congress, 53(2), IFAC-PapersOnLine - Elsevier, Berlin, pp. 17002-17007 [DOI]

  • MBULI J., NOUIRI M., TRENTESAUX D., BAERT D. (2019). Root causes analysis and fault prediction in intelligent transportation systems: coupling unsupervised and supervised learning techniques. International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), IEEE, Grenoble, France, juillet. [DOI]

  • PACAUX-LEMOINE M-P., TRENTESAUX D. (2019). Ethical risks of human-machine symbiosis in industry 4.0: insights from the human-machine cooperation approach. Ifac-papersonline (Ed.), 14th IFAC Symposium on Analysis Design and Evaluation of Human Machine Systems (IFAC HMS'19), 52(19), Elsevier, Tallinn, Estonia, pp. 19-24, septembre. [DOI]

  • TRENTESAUX D., KARNOUSKOS S. (2020). Ethical Behaviour Aspects of Autonomous Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems. Borangiu, Trentesaux, Leitão, Giret, Botti (Ed.), Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future, 853, Studies in computational intelligence, Springer, pp. 55-71, janvier. [DOI]

  • GELY C., TRENTESAUX D., LE MORTELLEC A. (2019), Maintenance du train autonome : un cadre de coopération homme-machine, JN-JD MACS 2019 [DOI]

  • TRENTESAUX D., RAULT R. (2017). Ethical behaviour of autonomous non-military cyberphysical systems. E.a. Fedosov, N.a. Kuznetsov, V.a. Vittikh (Ed.), XIX International Conference on Complex systems: control and modeling problems, Ofort, Samara, Russia, pp. 26-34, septembre, ISBN 978-5-473-01154-8 [Link].

  • TRENTESAUX D., RAULT R. (2017). Designing Ethical Cyber-Physical Industrial Systems, IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France.

  • SENECHAL O., TRENTESAUX D. (2017). Spécification d'’une méthodologie pour l'’aide à la décision dans le cadre de la maintenance basée sur la performance environnementale: application aux systèmes ferroviaires. Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI), Compiègne, France, mai [Link].

  • MBULI J., TRENTESAUX D., CLARHAUT J., BRANGER G. (2017). Decision support in condition-based maintenance of a fleet of cyber-physical systems: a fuzzy logic approach. IEEE Intelligent Systems Conference, IEEE, London, UK.

  • BARBOSA J., LEITAO P., TRENTESAUX D., COLOMBO A-W., KARNOUSKOS S. (2016). Cross Benefits from Cyber-Physical Systems and Intelligent Products for Future Smart Industries. INDIN 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Poitiers, France, pp. 504-509, july [DOI].

  • ANDREACCHIO M., BEKRAR A., BENMANSOUR R., TRENTESAUX D. (2016). Balancing preventive and corrective maintenance of aircraft assets: a cyber-physical systems approach. INDIN 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Poitiers, France, pp. 500-503, july [DOI].

  • CAUFFRIEZ L., GRONDEL S. (2014).Real-time monitoring and diagnosis of a train door mechatronic system, IEEE/ASME 10th International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications

  • TRENTESAUX D., GRABOT B., SALLEZ Y. (2013). Intelligent Products: A Spinal Column to Handle Information Exchanges in Supply Chains. Vittal Prabhu, Marco Taisch, Dimitris Kiritsis (Ed.), IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference Advances in Production Management Systems APMS, ifip aict 415, vol. ii, Springer, State College, PA, USA, pp. 452-459, septembre.

  • GANDIBLEUX J., CAUFFRIEZ L., BRANGER G. (2012). Extension des Concepts de la norme CEI-61508 pour la conception d'un système de surveillance/diagnostic embarqué, Actes de la Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique CIFA2012

  • LE MORTELLEC A., CLARHAUT J., SALLEZ Y., BERGER T., TRENTESAUX D. (2012). Embedded cooperative holarchy for diagnosing complex moving systems. Borangiu T., Dolgui A. (Ed.), 14th IFAC symposium on Information & Control problems in Manufacturing (INCOM), IFAC, Bucarest, Romania, mai.

  • GANDIBLEUX J., CAUFFRIEZ L., BRANGER G. (2011). Improving the reliability/availability of a complex system by an active monitoring based onto "augmentation concept": Application onto a railway system, Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management: ESREL 2011, 448

  • SALLEZ Y., BERGER T., SENECHAL O., BRANGER G., TRENTESAUX D. (2011). Augmentation concept for the embedded diagnosis of complex systems. Benyoucef L., Trentesaux D., Artiba A., Rezg N. (Ed.), International conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM11), I4E2, Metz, pp. 1444-1453, mai.

Presentation at industry workshops and forums

  • TRENTESAUX D., KARNOUSKOS S. "Digital Twin: an approach to design more ethical autonomous systems". 27th Journées STP, Nantes, 12/02/20.

  • GRZESIAK F., SALLEZ Y., "L'IA au service de la maintenance intelligente, notamment ferroviaire : le cas SurferLab" ("AI and intelligent rolling stock maintenance: the case of the SurferLab", in french), Journée IA embarquée et sécurisation des objets connectés, I-Trans, CAP’TRONIC, CEA Tech, Amiens, 04/02/20.
  • SALLEZ Y., TRENTESAUX D., "L'IA au service de la maintenance intelligente ferroviaire : le cas du SURFER Lab" ("AI and intelligent rolling stock maintenance: the case of the SurferLab", in french). Journées Conduite des Systèmes Dynamiques & IA, Strasbourg, 7/11/19.

  • TRENTESAUX D., "Enjeux des systèmes autonomes civils: éthique et homme" ("stakes of autonomous systems: ethics and human", in french), 8ème forum AFIS académie-industrie, Nancy, 6/12/18

  • Workshop "Intelligence Artificielle dans les transports" ("Artificial Intelligence in transportation", in french), EuraTechnologies, Lille, 6/12/18

  • TRENTESAUX D., RAULT R., "Ethique des robots intelligents dans la société humaine : regards croisés issus du droit, de la science et de la littérature" ("Ethics of intelligent robots in the human society: crossed visions from law, science and literature", in french), Journées d'étude "Robots: Droit science-fictionnel et fictions du droit", Strasbourg, 9/11/18
  • Workshop "L'Intelligence Artificielle dans l'Industrie du futur" ("Artificial Intelligence in the industry of the future", in french), Serre Numérique, Valenciennes, 21/11/18

  • TRENTESAUX D., "Les systèmes de production du futur: enjeux d’une vision pluri-disciplinaire" ("Future production systems: stakes of a pluri-disciplinary vision", in french), Atelier "Enjeux pluri-disciplinaires de la Transformation Numérique dans l'Industrie du Futur", IRT Saint Exupéry/LAAS-CNRS, 31/01/18

  • Workshop "fiabilité matérielle et logicielle dans les systèmes de transport" ("hardware and software reliability in transportation systems", in french) journées I-trans, Transalley, 11/05/17

  • Workshop "Maintenance Préventive correctionnelle et prévisionnelle" ("predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance", in french) Journées IRT Railenium/I-trans,19/11/15

Book editions

  • BERROD F., CLERMONT P., TRENTESAUX D. (Ed.) (2020). Droit et robots: Droit science-fictionnel et fictions du droit. PUV, ISBN 978-2-36424-070-4. .



  • BRANGER G., LE MORTELLEC A., CLARHAUT J., SALLEZ Y., BERGER T., TRENTESAUX D., EL SANWAR K., GRZESIAK F., ASSE A. (2016). System and method for the asset management of railway trains, E.U. patent 4,409,306.